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So we saw a TON of games from both Sony and Microsoft.....but where were the RPG's? I mean, even the so-called RPG's were all focused on shooting.


Here's a list of NEW IP I saw at their press conferences, and ALL OF THEM focus on shooting your gun, first person style:

Destiny (Open-World, MMO, FPS)

The Order: 1886 (Open-World, Shooter)

Sunset Overdrive (Insomniac, Shooter)

Quantum Break (Shooter)

Black Tusk Studio (Rogue, Espionage, Shooter)

TitanFall (Open-World, MMO, FPS)

Division (Apocolyptic, MMO, SHOOTER)



The only thing I saw remotely close to traditional RPG style was:

Final Fantasy 14 (already a failed release once, hope it's better now)

Final Fantasy Versus XIII 15 ( First announced at PS3 E3, may never see it, and still is VERY "action" heavy)

Kingdom Hearts III ( Is just a title, no where near completion)


Seriously, am I the only one upset about this? Solid RPG's are what the playstation family grew up on and love. Where are they!!!  And what's with ALL the new IP being shown, now focused primarily on shooting guns. DAMNIT. If I wanted to shoot guns, I'd go buy one and shoot it. Video games have always been about the escape into the fantastical....the places that weren't real.....the stuff that could never happen in real  life. That's what made them great. Now it seems all the games are laser focused on replicating real world everything, and sticking you in it with a bunch of guns..... Just wish we had some good ole fashion video games like we used to. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for some of that stuff, but it doesn't ALL have to be that way. Anyone else feel the same way after watching everything yesterday?

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