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SxyxS said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
This is the way Rare and Microsoft honor Rare's "historic IP"?

killer instinct indeed is a historic IP

maybe a little too historic.I was hoping for jet force gemini.


From an economical point of view maybe a giod decision as most fans have been waiting for so long for this game-they"ll buy every single charackter and everything else that is offered .A single charackter for 2.99 times 30fighters=90.+some special stages for 1.99x 10= 20

Hey, I love Killer Instinct. I own the SNES original and Gold (oh, and I love Jet Force Gemini, too).

But this is a strange way to ressurect a classic game from Rare. Digital only? Free-to-play? Seems like an afterthought.

@others: this might not be "pay to win," but it's certainly "pay to enjoy." How can someone truly enjoy a fighting game with only one playable character? Even if the total cost of all characters/costumes/stages/secrets is less than $60, it's still an ugly way to sell a game: piece-by-piece.

Is that what we want from the industry now? Gaming a la carte?