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Seriously, am I the only one tired of all these open world shooters?! ENOUGH!!!! Destiny, Titanfall (which looked mighty cool), CoD, Battlefield, Division, Watch Dogs (also looking good) and I probably forgot about one or two... Nintendo, show us the good stuff! E3 has been good so far, just knock it out of the park now!

I thought MS conference was good, but they should have addressed the whole DRM, always online and none-used games issues though. But they had WAY better pacing than Sony. Sony's first 30-45 minutes were boring as hell. But they managed to do a bang up job! Taking shots at MS was cool to see, but I felt that the audiences reaction was kind of an over reaction; they only did what they were supposed to do. They ain't no knights in shining armor.

I'd say that MS gets a B-/C+ and Sony gets an A- (bad initial pacing, and few exclusive games and paying for online BS!)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.