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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Branko2166 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
PooperScooper said:

So what I gathered from you is "blah blah blah i cant afford technology blah" got it.(i bought my 1080i for 100 dollars.) How old are you? you sound like my grandpa who can't remember the technological moves and wonders what happened to his record player.

And you are an animal hater at that. how depressing.

Blu-ray is to Dvds as Ferrari's are to Geo's. Ashera's are to Tabby's. USA is to Ethiopia.


And you just made my argument for me. The Problem is only a minority of the public want or can afford a Ferrari much ales see the value in one over a far more economic Geo. Blu-Ray is the same way.

If the public can't have or don't want something, then it will fail. Though from what I gathered from you, "Blah blah blah, i can afford it so that means it will do well so long as I buy it".

I wasn't aware 1080i TVs are going for 100 dollars now, how big is it? 8"x6" screen?

Hmm I don't know about American prices but in Australia I can buy a 1080p 40inch LCD tv for $2000 (1800 US)

Which is just over 2 weeks pay for me. And this is full HD. 1080i or below televisions are much cheaper. Btw comparing a ferrari's price to a hi def tv or bluray is hilarious and shows either your ignorance or your willingness to just come out with negative anti Sony statements even if they don't make sense.

Btw he was referring to quality and obviously didn't imply the cost is the same.

Keep in mind Ferraris will always be a rich man's toy where as hi def will be for the masses


And how much longer will Hi def remain a rich man's toy before becomming something for the Masses? Try and kid yourself everyone is adopting Hi def at a great rate, but I still see no more than ten percent of the market having embraced it.


 Are you reading what I said?? I said that Ferraris will remain a rich man's toy while hi def will become available for the masses. I don't know the percentage of hi def adoption at the present time but it is increasing as it is a gradual shift and it won't happen overnight. Again both you and NJ5 are ignoring the fact that not only is it going to become affordable for the mass market but that people will become more aware of hi def as it will be pushed and more strongly marketed by the movie and electronics industries.

GGE you continually attempt to twist my words around as you don't seem to be able to counter with well though out rebuttals. I didn't say that "EVERYONE" is adopting hi def at great rate. I have argued and still believe that the hi def market share will go up  and even a gradual adoption of hi def will mean massive sales of bluray players and media considering the size of the world markets.