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Actually, you can thank Microsoft for this.  They gave Sony the window of opportunity they have been looking for.  No DRM, no DRM, no DRM... and pay for online games.  People still cheer.

"You don't have to be the best, just better than everybody else."

Isn't "the best" mean "better than everybody else"?  Pardon my being curious here about this, but that is what I thought it meant.  You don't need to be perfect though, just better than everyone else.

Kind of a joke and a play on words.  But yeah literally you're right.  Think of it this way...  "The best" would mean you give people everything they want.  But sometime just being better than the other is good enough.


Another example.  The best score might be 100 out of 100.  But if everyone else scores 90 and you score 95... well you get the idea.