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Daddo Splat said:
Sqrl said:

Wow those are some bold words....bold because there isn't much to gain should he prove right and quite a bit to lose should he prove wrong.

I wonder if MS will attempt to mount a defense or play it smart and play their own game. I hope they play their own game...partly because I look forward to the Wii passing the 360 in NA but also because it really is their best move to make their decisions according to whats best for them...and quite simply it doesn't matter if the Wii passes the 360 as far as MS is concerned.

Your absolutley right! even if it does they dont sell the same software or games, except a few like raving rabids and Madden which graphically speaking are to different games! So they arent viewed as competition. now PS3 on the other hand thts thier comp. hi end HD graphics!

That's not why Wii isn't their competition. Nitnendo isn't their competition because Nintendo doesn't want to control your living room. They just want to create fun games for people to play... like they always have.

The only reason Microsoft came in the videogame buisness in the first place is to prevent Sony from creating an all popular entertainment hub in your living room that's less a videogame machine and more an etertainment computer hooked up to your TV that does multiple fucntions. (Kinda like the PS3)

Microsoft would be happier if instead of 360's and PS3's people bought entertainment towers that could do the same thing and hook them up next to their TVs to replace Blu-ray players, DVD players, CD players and Videogame systems and whatever else you might want. However they aren't as marketable which is why everyone is trying to bridge the gap via videogames.

MS would like to win the console war, but so long as Sony doesn't win... they are somewhat happy.