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maximus22 said:
naruball said:
I absolutely hated the finale. Seems as if nothing happened. Such an anti-climactic epsidode, especially after the last episode and the fact that it was a season finale.

It's been like that throughout the entire series.  The next to last episode is always where the season reaches its climax and then the last episode is the sort of "wrap up".  I actually really like that; it gives some closure to the season instead of just an exciting and abrupt cliffhanger that leaves you annoyed.

Epsiodes 10s and 1s tend to be "link" episodes with episodes 9s being the big event ones.

I was happy with episode 10 and the season as a whole.  I know I can be a bit defensive because I love this world and understand nuances barely touched on and how scenes you watched tonight have major importance in latter half (season 4) of book 3.  Still the best television show I have ever watched (I am biased) and so happy it has been a success.

Highlights from 10

Decapitated Robb Stark with decapitated Greywolf's head on his shoulders.  I felt they could have done beter here as the cruelty may not have come through as much.

Dany's story was lightened a bit making her lless threatening, but more likable I guess.  I would have liked an added scene to flesh out the conquest of Yunkai as felt a bit rushed.

One added scene was Bolton and Frey essentially telling the audience the big secret as to what happened at Winterfell.  I felt it was obvious, but then again, I am me, so maybe for show viewers it was too ambiguous.

Theon answers to Reek so maybe the torture scenes are over...not sure how they are going to handle that story as its line is farther ahead.  See where they go with Reek from now on.

Varys and Shae scene added was...bit baffling.  I cannot discuss too much, but it felt out of character...but I am privy to other knowledge so curious about how they will alter that dynamic.

Loved the small council scene and Tywin staring at Joffrey.  A family that has won it all yet feels so fragile.  Great acting all around there!

Davos was brilliant, but Gendry scene in, good but maybe not crucial.  

Cersei and Tyrion were excellent, and loved what went unsaid between them.  Again, top notch stuff there.

Stannis story went faster than I expected, not sure about how they will pace him in season 4 given the revelation here.

Bran was great at the Wall and the explanation that is story is important even against the overwhelming odds.  Like touches such as his story, happy to see him beyond the wall next year.

Arya's transformation took form cold blooded murder of that, admittedly, jerk.  Valar Morghulis, gents and ladies.  

Sandor Clegane was classic too, bit of levity in darkness.

Ends with Dany and high valyrian and thos ebad ass dragons.  Her story was one of rebuilding this year, she has a great challenge next year.  Atapor...Yunkai, and the greatest of the slave cities...Meereen!

Thanks everyone for participating in the thread, been a lot o fun.  If you have questions happy to help anyone learn about Westeros and Essos.