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They took their sweet time considering how much they love sequels, but DICE are making another Mirrors Edge! What would you like from them?

The first is, for me, one of the best games of the generation. The gameplay felt so, so fresh. The controls were a little complex, but once you mastered them navigating the game felt immensely rewarding. So my number one wish from DICE/EA is don't dumb down the mechanics. I'm scared that they'll try some Assassin's Creed style control scheme in which you can press one button and act like a super hero, which feels really shallow and unsatisfying.

Another point would be to keep the ability to play without having to use guns. Escaping/evading the enemies was preferable to engaging them, and I loved that. Keep it in!

To be honest I don't trust EA to do that, but if they do then I'll be happy!

Assuming we keep the good things, a decent story would be great bonus. The time trials and speedruns were totally fantastic in the original, but the plot of the main game was pretty shite. There's no reason the new one can't improve on the one major weakness in the original. That's what sequels are for!

TL;DR - keep the mechanics complex and satisfying, keep the ability to be a pacifist, hire a decent writer <3

How about the rest of you?