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Bod, it's great and all to use extreme examples to show how everything is subjective, but eventually you need to come back down to Earth and debate directly with my issues. For example:

Do you disagree that there is a visible gaming media bias against games of a certain genre? You yourself made a topic about this bias not long ago...

Do you disagree that there is a regional bias in sales? Where certain countries are less likely to buy certain kinds of games, regardless of genre?

And finally, if you do agree with both those issues, do you still think they are accurate measures of quality? Do you consider a game that has both high sales and high reviews to be better than a game that has one or the other? Are you taking into account advertising, target audience, and platform limitations when you determine quality?

I completely understand your point that we are just deciding different things based on our subjective opinion of where the line is. I just am having trouble believing that your line is so broad that you would let so many clearly visible issues slide just so you can make a generalization.