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@Naz: If everything opinion related was 100% subjective, how could we differentiate between the good and bad? How could we have masterpieces like those written by Homer and Shakespeare? Bod explained it very well. The idea of complete subjectivity makes any discussion entirely worthless. It is almost impossible to know the complete truth, and until you do, something is subjective.

This means that we must draw a line in terms of subjectivity. If something is generally agreed upon by those with experience in dealing with such things that it is good, then it is good. I dislike horror games, movies, and the like. For this reason, I can't stand Resident Evil 4. However, I think Resident Evil 4 is a great game. A masterpiece, even. Why? Because it is generally agreed upon by experts in the field of video gaming as very, very good. One opinion doesn't matter.


Edit: I realize I'm late to the party, but I had to put my two cents in.