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Dr.Grass said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
As one of many Zelda fans who never owned a Cube and thus never played Wind Waker, Wind Waker HD is a huge deal for me. It's like an all-new title. And since they are really upgrading the visuals, it should play great even by today's standards.

A Zelda fan who never owned a Gamecube.

I suppose you never owned a N64 either then.

So you've basically played TP and SS on Wii right? Maybe OOT on 3DS?

Silly child.  Link and I grew up together.  I was the first kid on the playground to kill Gannon with less than 10 lives used in a complete playthrough, and I would explain to others how spending Rupees on a key was a waste of cash.  I quickly mastered the downslash, and would watch and smile as I showed others that the entire previous game (as shown on the included map) was contained in the small region south of the Death Mountain maze.  I've chatted with Error and Sahasrahla.  Zelda is my first gaming love, and you my friend should learn to not jump to conclusions.