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Sorry Legend, but I don't really consider many games on the 360 very special. And for my tastes the 360 actually has the worst library of games, despite the year headstart.

I don't know whether you can use the games quality to denote success either... perhaps you can argue it's a great console when it has good games, but that doesn't mean it's successful (I bet the N-Gage had some good games, doesn't mean it wasn't terrible)

Even then I wouldn't say 360 is great, because I judge how great a console is on it's hardware, which means reliability/practicality etc.
True I would use the games to determine whether I want the console, but it could have a vast library of excellent games and I might even go out and buy one, but if the hardware is ugly, stupidly shaped, badly designed/made and hard to develop for then it's still a crap console... it just happens to be a crap console with good games.
(bare in mind the above was a fictional crap console)