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...have you been to gaf? Just because respected people go there occasionally doesn't mean it's not filled with immature idiots. No forum you go to is going to not have idiots in it's community. In fact by definition, for a forum to grow it has to admit idiots into it's ranks. You could argue, the bigger a community gets the stupider it gets.

If you like gaf, go there instead. Like it or lump it this is a site that specializes in one thing very specifically. Sales. And as such 90% of topics are going to involve sales numbers in one way or another.

I don't dislike you one bit, but I really think you're in the wrong place. I can't stand neogaf personally, even if big wigs drop in there on occasion. But alot of people like it, that's their community. More power to them. I feel like this is my community and I enjoy it. But if you don't like discussing the numbers, and if you don't like the community then I'm just not sure this is the place for you, legend.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.