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naznatips said:
Bodhesatva said:
Mars said:
if its by games then 360 is a distant 3rd, any way you look at it the xbox is th eworst console.

There's virtually nothing on the 360 I enjoy right now (Do not care for Gears of War, Halo, or Bioshock, and I have Orange Box on the PC), and I would still argue the 360 has the best current lineup of games.

But there is the problem right there. That's not an argument you should ever get in, because it isn't based on anything but opinion.

If we take it too far, Naz, there is nothing absolute in the world at all. When I was about 15, I realized that universal truth that there are no absolutes. When I was about 17, I realized all of the ramifications of this: there is nothing in the world but opinion. Even the sales are opinions: it is my opinion that VGChartz (and NPD and Media Create) are reliable sources of information. Therefore, the numbers they put up are reasonable and valid -- but lots of others would disagree with those opinions, and would argue that VGChartz isn't reliable, and we see even the administrators here question the absolute reliability of a professional service like NPD. There is nothing concrete or definitely, inarguably true.

And then, at 20 or so, I realized that this made any argument of any kind impossible and meaningless; that if we break the world down and insist that everything is opinion and nothing is absolutely true, then we can never agree on anything and discussion and analysis breaks down completely.

So now, I accept that while nothing is entirely objectively true, there are things that are generally more true than other things. One of those things that I'd argue is generally agreed upon is that the Xbox 360 has the current best lineup of games among the available current generation consoles.

It doesn't mean that I personally like all those games. I don't like Halo, but I recognize that it is generally agreed upon that this is a good franchise. You're welcome to take a different philosophical approach, Naz. I fully agree that there are no absolutes in the world; we all draw the line somewhere (for example, I assume we all agree that it is a fact that the Earth is round, even though we've never seen it for ourselves? ) and I suspect I draw the line at a different place than most here.

Sorry to get heavy. It's an enormously complicated issue, so for the most part, ignore this post, as it's likely to get us way off topic.">">