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Cj2i3 said:
This game is so fucking addicting, and I'm absolutely terrible at it.
Can someone share a few tips on how I should play this game?
I'm about 5-6 hours and I've lost around 4 people(all my fault), 2 were because of those quick big zombies and 2 were to zombies outnumbering me. I'm essentially playing the game like Dead Rising, I'm running around like an absolute maniac. Any advice? Should I sneak more, avoid zombies?
As of now I only have 1 base and it's the one you start out with, I have the choice to move to the 2nd base but I can't yet. I'm low materials, food, fuel, ammo and most importantly low on influence.

I have never once snuck around in the game. I don't think its needed. But you do need to play carefully. If you're going to run towards a horde of zombies like its Dead Rising, make sure you have snacks for stamina and some type of health pills. At least 3 of each. Also,try to use guns as little as possible while your character is still low level and weak. Guns just bring a lot more zombies.

Use vehicles to get everywhere. Running zeds over is way easier than beating them to death. If zombies aren't coming after you or in your path towards whatever objective you're on, ignore them. Engaging them just makes noise and leads to more zombies. You get PLENTY of zombies to kill just by completing missions and scavenging.

The game is addicting and fun as hell, I agree. It is amazing how quickly things can go from ok, to chaotic and the shit hits the fan.