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Bodhesatva said:

Legend is absolutely correct, however, that many just turn it into some bizarre competition. It's particularly interesting to see Nintendo fans who do not like casual games gloating over the Wii's success; it's quite likely that the Wii's success will have little effect on the type of games they personally like (still some effect, as Galaxy/TP/etc. are still selling better than their counterparts on the GC thus far, thus ensuring that Nintendo's strength in these "hardcore" areas will continue to grow), but they don't seem to care as long as Nintendo is winning.

I attribute this bizzare competition to a sort of tribal instinct that we have as humans. As nature dictates it's our tendency to form tribes, and conversely opposing tribes. We see it in numerous areas, we route for sports teams, drivers, specific car or truck brands, clothing lines, ect ect. And then treat them almost like our diety/representation of certain (usually non-concrete) set of ideals, and that bonds us. Ford fans unite against chevy fans, Nintendo fans unite against Sony fans. Sony fans have similar histories, and ideas of what gaming should be, Nintendo fans often have similar histories and ideas of what gaming is formed by said history. Now we have seperate tribes, and what do tribes do? War. Using our respective deities as weapons we wage war. Sports teams clash like mighty gods to justify our beliefs and comradery grows as a result. We're all just a bunch of primal nerds. but that is neither here nor there.

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