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I never saw a problem with none of this. The only people who always complain are either sony fanboys and haters (it was expected)
We live in a connected world, my xbox 360 and ps3 are always connected so i dont see what the fuzz is all about.
With google fiber coming, we are gonna be even more connected. I dont see a problem with the used game deal. There are tons of devs that loose their job every year because of this and Microsoft is just trying to end that. If this does in fact succeed then publishers will force sony to follow suit or no games on your console. Sony has alot of first party studios but they cant survive without third party support. Publishers that publish games on the xbox one will see a profit regardless if you buy new or used so they will benefit. I can see many publishers wanting to create games for the xbox because of this. Plus when connected to cloud the xbox one can be even better. I cant wait to see more from Titan Fall or whatever its called. Using the cloud i can only imagine how it will look O_O!
Plus as they said before, you can do those 24-hour checks with a cellular connection. It probably wont use alot of data for that, i cant wait to see what games they will show in just 2 days :)
I really hope Killer Instinct is announced, im ready for the ps4 and xbox one :)
I am a true gamer!!