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HoloDust said:

^^^ Think I did that several times, but here it is again (all based on aggregate benchmark scores, measured in VPs)

PS4 (7850 as starting point): 141VP
XOne (7770 as starting point): 96VP
WiiU (5550 as starting point, 320 shaders with 12.8GB/s mem system): 16.5VP
WiiU (6450 as starting point. 160 shaders, but some 35% higher clock than WiiU): 16.8VP
X360 (based on lot of educated guesses and MS statements about XOne to 360 ratio) = 12VP

If WiiU has 320 shaders, it's most likely anywhere between 16.5VP (5550 with 12.8GB/s) and 21.8VP (5550 with 25.6GB/s), if they can make up for low bandwidth with EDRAM. I usually take average (19.2VP) for comparisons sake, so I'm being bit generous when making comparisons like the one in my previous post (PS4=1.5xXOne=5xWiiU=1.6xX360).

Of course, if I do that, then I should take into account customizations of PS4's and XOne's GPUs, so in all honestly, difference is most likely even bigger (both between PS4 and XOne, and them and WiiU).

i'm talking about the frames per second comparison, it looks like xbox one games will have to run at 720p just keep up in framerate with ps4.

edit: i forgot about the ram advantage which is huge, xbone will struggle to keep up with ps4 graphically.