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^^^ Think I did that several times, but here it is again (all based on aggregate benchmark scores, measured in VPs)

PS4 (7850 as starting point): 141VP
XOne (7770 as starting point): 96VP
WiiU (5550 as starting point, 320 shaders with 12.8GB/s mem system): 16.5VP
WiiU (6450 as starting point. 160 shaders, but some 35% higher clock than WiiU): 16.8VP
X360 (based on lot of educated guesses and MS statements about XOne to 360 ratio) = 12VP

If WiiU has 320 shaders, it's most likely anywhere between 16.5VP (5550 with 12.8GB/s) and 21.8VP (5550 with 25.6GB/s), if they can make up for low bandwidth with EDRAM. I usually take average (19.2VP) for comparisons sake, so I'm being bit generous when making comparisons like the one in my previous post (PS4=1.5xXOne=5xWiiU=1.6xX360).

Of course, if I do that, then I should take into account customizations of PS4's and XOne's GPUs, so in all honestly, difference is most likely even bigger (both between PS4 and XOne, and them and WiiU).