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I'm not exactly sure how much each studio cost is for development as that would pertain to development cycle, development costs, development team size... However, I would guess the 400 million is significantly more than 1 studio's cost of operating point. Maybe 100 person studio averaging 85k a year utilizing mostly MS dev kits free of charge so maybe add an extra 500k to be generous for other software/w/e a studio might need to operate that's only around 9 million a year in dev cost. Multiply by say 3 years and 20 first party developers it might eat up 540 million of that billion and I think I'm being fairly generous here as the studio sizes might be smaller and have a lower average salary, and other factors such as development time. I would think the majority of that 1 billion would most likely be going to advertising and third party deals for gaming exclusivity almost to the point that the developers were really only getting closer to say 30% of that total. However, I could be wrong and the majority of that money actually went to graciously paying small 30 member team studios and not towards advertising or research at all.

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date