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czecherychestnut said:
disolitude said:
DucksUnlimited said:

Common sense said so...


I mean you have an X86 architecture with 8 Gb GDDR5 ram and 8 core cpu with awesome GPU...running games in 1080p@60 frames per second. And this is all supposed to run of a slow 6x bluray drive, which runs at around 20MB per second data trasfer rate in the real world...not gonna happen unless you like 2 minute loading times between levels.




disolitude said:

Just out of curiosity, how does that imply it couldn't be an option?



It wouldnt be an option because it just isnt if you want a next gen experience. How is Killzone PS4 going to load a 4GB frame buffer in to RAM 20MB at a time running off a bluray? Textures would appear 30 seconds after the level loads and loading time to gameplay time would be 1:1.

Now there is an option of installing a game fully on to PS4, but then using the disk as "drm", meaning you have to keep it in the PS4 in order to play a game. This is a strong possibility, especially considering the sony patent below.

You do realise that game textures are compressed right? Textures are loaded in compressed and decompressed into the frame buffer by the GPU on the fly, PC's have done this since the 90's on S3 Trio's and DX6. Otherwise games would need 100's of GB of data just for textures. PS3 has games that run at 1080p and it had only a 2x Blu-ray drive. Many games on the PS3 were able to stream data in without load screens with that 2x drive, so I don't see how the PS4 will suddenly be incapable of doing the same with 3x the bandwidth from the blu-ray drive. 

Yes texture compression is absolutely the standard method for loading in game textures but it didnt save the PS3 from having manditory installs or the 360 from having horrible texture pop in on a lot of the games when running off a disk. And 360 is only 1/2 slower than 6x bluray in PS4. I actually cant believe youre trying to sell me the idea here that ps3 was perfectly capable loading 1080p gaming and textures off a bluray. Ps3 had like 1/10th the memory bandwidth PS4 will have and if it was indeed playing a 1080p game, those textures and models had to be subpar since we both know it couldnt do 1080p gaming for 99% of games.

These new consoles most likely have a 256bit video memory bus and ps4 has super fast gddr5 memory...thats a lot of pixels and video bandwidth that they will be able to push. And youre telling me that 6x bluray drive is going to be enough to keep up on the fly? Compressed or not...

And this is before we get in to the fact that disk drives also have a much higher latency and seek times than 7200rpm hard drives.