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I think sales are strongly linked to what games a system has though. If you look at the 360 there are games it has that were once PS3 exclusive(or at least though to be, ie. DMC4), but strong sales in the US and an early lead made developers consider the platform more seriously.

Had the 360 somehow totally bombed in its first year, I think it's likely that it wouldn't have many of the games it does. The PS3 library has been negatively effected by lower than expected (though not as bad as some people like to say) sales as well. Some games have not only gone multi-platform, but even abandoned the console. And of course, the far higher than expected Wii sales have given Nintendo's line-up a big boost. Monster Hunter 3 for example switched from the PS3 to the Wii. There's no way Capcom would put such a big title (in Japan) on Wii if the sales trends were reversed.

Sales are a very big indicator what will come to a platform in the future. People don't just buy consoles for what's on the shelf at that moment, they have expectations of more games coming, so how well a console is selling is quite relevant in addition to the current line-up.