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The box.
The Last guardian
Sony Bend title (Syphon Filter 5)
SSM (folklore 2, Heavenly Sword 2 or new Ip)
MM new title (trailer)
Quantic dream (trailer)
ND likes to surprise its fans like The last of Us came out of nowhere (jak4)
FFversus13 or KDH 3
Insomniac PS4 exclusive title
Capcom Deep down wouldnt surprise if its exclusive to PS4
and some move titles with stereo camera
gears of war (highly doubt! but just a prediction)
game play of announced games (Driveclub, KillzoneSF, inFamous, Knack)
I believe KZ:SF will have kickass online component.

What else i would like to see is
Getaway 3 or Eight Days from london studio