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Slimebeast said:
Lostplanet22 said:
Slimebeast said:
I'm honestly a bit excited for Microsoft's E3. Still hoping to be blown away.

LostPlanets22, I can't access your homepage. My question is, are you going to buy an Xbone early in next gen?

Well when I was their I was very dissapointed but that was because I was not allowed in the tent but had to sit around 400 meter from it;.  Kind of stupid because I could still hear the sound coming from the tent.  The Xbox one reveal was kind of dump but expected.  We had some talk with MS employees and I got introduced as the guy who have more than 200 Xbla games and is not happy because no BC (I have +165 games in fact). I told them then I will not buy one and one of the MS employee came to me and asked me where I was from told them it was Belgium and he said I gave my address and that I don't need to buy one'.   So yeah here is your answer I will not buy one Slimebeast :).   

He was also the guy that said that we should not sell our X360's because their are more games coming and Fable is what we were told. (that is why I not came on the forums for some days, because reading whole the time X360 is dead and MS will not support it anymore while the truth is they will but you can not tell it is difficult).

Had pretty good time, I could try out the controller for 25 seconds it felt kind of good and they a demo (with no game in it) that let you feel the trigger vibrate mechanism it felt alright) but I felt like I was doing it wrong the guy behind me touched the controller so sensitive and so slowly like you normally would touch your gf O_O. 

My partner made me excited for a surprise and I found out it was a visit to Rare! (I made a fool of myself because I got introduced to some guy and my partner thought I would be super happy but I had no idea who he was or what he worked for)  it is not because I enjoy Rare games that I know who are the ones who make them >_>..       I know what is the game they are working on and I am mixed about it.  But that does not mean it is bad. Let's just say that some games/franchises are loved by some and hated by others.  I just don't know what to think.

Btw I bought Geoff some Mountain dew and doritos and he was not amused =p.   One German guy was trying to make him drunk so he would spoil some of the + 20 exclusives he know about (PC/Nintendo/Sony /MS games)

The catch is MS was their with a lot of people from a lot of studios. I had no idea that they had created a studio in Japan.  And I can not believe that they are making some kinect Japanese dance game so what are they doing?   When they announced the 15 exclusives and when we told how many studios they have I thought to myself 'this is amazing for gamers' and all I see is that people hate it because people believe it will be all kinect games..

Oh well I am pretty excited and if it was not for work I would have stayed for E3 but I will be going for sure to Gamescom :);

Is this a joke post?

I can believe you were at the Xbox One reveal event, but not that you talked to Geoff Keighley and bought him Doritos.

If this is true, how come you were there all the way from Belgium and how could you be invited? Who was your "partner", a Belgian too?

If this is true, can you please send me a PM and tell me what game Rare is making.

LOL this gave me a massive chuckle.