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DirtyP2002 said:
mike_intellivision said:
DirtyP2002 said:
LordMatrix said:
Soonerman said:
Great job MS! This clear stuff and it's a lot better than the absurd things fans of opposing consoles were saying. I will definitely be getting Xbox One. I also love how they're being fair to players that want to sell used games and to the developers to make the games.

Hell hath frozen over! I`m a Husker fan and I`m agreeing with a Sooner fan.

I really don`t see all the fuss over this anymore. The fears off privacy using Kinect 2.0 and Used game fees plus nobody being able to borrow games etc have been handled and are not nearly as horrific as originally speculated.

I am a Gamefly user however and I do hope they clarify whether or not Gamefly or even places I work for like Blockbuster will even be able to rent out Xbox One titles in some shape or form.

Unless you are in the Military or less developed country the whole 24 hour check in won`t be even noticed by most. If you are one of those few unlucky fellows you could at least use your phone as a mobile hotspot when needed to fix this issue.


People try to spin this as if this would be a big deal.

Before this clarification came out we thought:

- Kinect is always watching you
- Kinect is always listening
- MS will require a fee for used games
- MS will basically kill the used game market
- You can't share your games at all

Now we know:

- You can turn Kinect off. No listening, no watching.
- There won't be a fee for used games
- There will be a used game market
- You can share your games with anyone inside your house
- 10 family members can access your shared gaming library anywhere in the world on any Xbox One


And people are like 'OKAY NOW THEY HAVE GONE TOO FAR!'

No. It is the what happens to my games in 2020 when they shut the XB1 authentication servers down.   I have had one Internet outage (without power loss) longer than 24 hrs in 12 years in my house (5 days).  But I would fear loss of investment/value when MS takes down its end. And it will probably be buried in the EULA.

No. It is EA and other publishes setting up what value (if any) my game has on the used market. That is where the fee will be, Publishers will have the power to completely lock out used games in an effort to get around the first sale doctrine. They did it with PCs

I also think that Microsoft opened a Pandora's Box with the family issue as it will either hae to police it or see software sales potentially plummet because of large, new, extended groupings.

Why should MS shut down Xbox Live? In 2020 the Xbox One will still be sold, so this is not gonna happen.
Multiplayer might be shut down long after the successor of the Xbox One released, so about 2025, but the verification servers will probably run even longer. Those don't have to handle much data anyway.

So we are talking about an unlikely scenario, that MIGHT happen in 2030 or something. According to your profile you will be 66 years old then. If the value of your video games you bought decades ago is worrying you then... well... you should get your priorities right.


Dirty from Germany!

I didn't know what to bold...I'm at a loss for words. Anyway, it's hard to believe you believe that.

Sorry for bad English.