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The sony e3 predictions thread is incoming! Post your predictions here. Who will be the next pachter? Come one and all to predict the future of playstation! We shall see who is truly delusional and who here has what it takes to achieve fame!

So, whats next? You decide!

Make sure to go here for all things sony e3!

Official Sony Conference Thread


Monday, June 10th | PlayStation E3 2013 Press Conference | 5:30pm Pacific Time
Tuesday, June 11th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 12:00pm to 6:00pm Pacific Time
Wednesday, June 12th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 10:00am to 6:00pm Pacific Time
Thursday, June 13th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 10:00am to 6:00pm Pacific Time

Streaming Sites


Name Predictions
Aldro I predict we see SSMs new IP for PS4, as well as ND's project for PS4 (small chance UC4 or big chance its a new IP).
krafty89 I Predict that Sony will announce Uncharted: Temple of the Damned for Vita.
  • Another Uncharted for Vita is announced
  • Naughty Dog don't show their PS4 game
  • Santa Monica and Ready at Dawn show new IPs
  • 2 models, $449 and $499, both have the same storage space, something else like move/PSeye/PS+/Gaikai is offered with the $499 model.
  • Quantic Dream tease new game, Cage comes on stage and talks about feels
  • Kaz Hirai will reference an internet meme, possibly his gifs or the fake kaz
  • Game of the show is shown at Sony's conference but it isn't a Sony published title
nnodley 1. SSM will definitely announce their new game and will be a launch title for ps4.

2. PS4 release date will be late october or early november.

3. 2-3 sku's: $350(very optimistic) or $399 with console, controller, and headset. $450 with lower sku but with a year of a new ps+ or a camera. And $500 with all of lower sku's but definitely has camera and maybe a game also.

4. ND could possibly show their ps4 game, but I won't get my hopes up.

5. Quantic Dream should have a new ps4 game trailer.

6. I believe there may be some 3rd party exclusives also, but don't know what they could be.


i also would like to predict that after annoucing the price he pulls an Oprah and is like "EVERYONE LOOK UNDER YOUR CHAIR." then everyone and it's a "Full year PS Plus."

Or like Square Enix annouce that they're being bought by Sony and renamed "Square Soft" and and then say they are making a FF Vll remake.

And Final Fantasy XV and Final Final Fantasy  Vs.Xlll.

then after the show Sony and Nintedo start making fun of Microsoft.

Since Sony said that when it comes to used games thing; and with leave it up to the publishers; they will implement a steam like poilcy where the digital versions of the game are cheaper than the disc version! No having the gamers by the balls.

platformmaster918 1. ND shows new IP set in a fantasy world (holiday 2014)

2. SSM shows a new IP and it's not a hack n' slash (no release date given)

3. KZ Shadowfall MP and 3 way battles

4. Box showing saved till the end (helps keep people glued)

5. MM teases their PS4 game (2014)

6. PS4 announced at $400 (headset, eye, 500gb HDD, 3 months of PS+) and $500 (headset, eye, 3 months of PS+, 1tb HDD, KZ Shadowfall)

7. Everything free online except Gaikai, spectating, and take over which are included in PS+ for the same $50 fee along with all the current perks though nothing free at launch (though discounts will be there for PS+ from launch)
ClassicGamingWizzz 1-they show a video with the awsome games that will come with ps4 and vita and psvita games 3minutes
2-they talk 2 minutes of the playstation brand
3-they show the console and talk some functions 15 minutes
4- they show some vita games and ps3 stuff 10 minutes
5-time for the games , live demos of shadow fall, knack, drive club and infamous 25 minutes
6- time for 3rd partys , live demo of destiny, live demo of assasins creedand probably one more game from other publisher like EA 20 minutes
7- sony first party again - trailer for sony santa monica new IP and trailer for another quantic dream game 5 minutes
8-square enix time baby, they show ff 14 for the ps4 and BAM , the megafuckington , ff vs 13 renamed ff 15 ps4 only , live demo, MINDBLOWN, final fantasy is saved , square is awsome again 10 minutes
9- capcom time and they show darkstalkers new game 5 minutes
10- talking about indie devs, they show the massive amount of indie games and free to play games 10 minutes
11- they show one more megaton, i dont know but i am feeling the last guardian ps4 would be amazing 5minutes
12 - final talk of conference and THE END
Chevinator123 LAST GUARDIAN E3 2013
Weedlab Last Guardian PS4.

The hidden IPs from Sony's studious will be displayed, such as the other team at SSM under Stig

Some good news for Vita that may encourage people - software related announcements and price cut in NA.

Revival of some old skool game (or more than one)

Something related to Drake - be it Uncharted 4 on consoles or Vita related. If it is Vita it will have MP/coop

KH3 and FF ... I'm not so bold to presume they will be exclusive lol But 'may' have exclusive content.

Oh and more 'strategic partnerships' between Sony and third parties

And gamers will be most pleased with Sony's offerings at E3 

taus90 The box.
The Last guardian
Sony Bend title (Syphon Filter 5)
SSM (folklore 2, Heavenly Sword 2 or new Ip)
MM new title (trailer)
Quantic dream (trailer)
ND likes to surprise its fans like The last of Us came out of nowhere (jak4)
FFversus13 or KDH 3
Insomniac PS4 exclusive title
Capcom Deep down wouldnt surprise if its exclusive to PS4
and some move titles with stereo camera
gears of war (highly doubt! but just a prediction)
game play of announced games (Driveclub, KillzoneSF, inFamous, Knack)
I believe KZ:SF will have kickass online component.

Sal.Paradise I'll predict that Versus will finally be shown in some form
  • Sony Santa Monica new IP.
  • Ready At Dawn new IP.
  • Media Molecule will present their new game.
  • Sony Bend announce their new PS Vita game (another Uncharted 40%, New IP 30%, Syphon Filter game 30%).
  • Naughty Dog announce their new game (Uncharted 4 40%, new IP 40%, they show nothing 20%).
  • God of War announced for PS Vita (Betrayal remake?).
  • Giant Sparrow will show Edith Finch.
  • Quantic Dream could tease their next project.
  • Insomniac (North Carolina) could show a new Ratchet & Clank.
  • Ninja Theory working on a PS4/PS Vita exclusive (Heavenly Sword 2 30%, new IP 20%, they show nothing 50%).
  • The Last Guardian will be shown again with a release date. 
  • Agent? The Getaway 3? Eight Days? Maybe one of these games will still happen for the PS4.
  • Final Fantasy Versus XIII (rebranded Final Fantasy XV?) to be shown for the PS4.
  • The PS4 will have two SKUs priced $349/£249 & $449/£299.
ryuzaki57 1. VersusXIII will be shown and played. It is a launch title for the PS4.
2. Agni's Philosophy will be shown (trailer). 2014 release for PS4.
3. Driveclub was a hoax, it's in fact Gran Turismo 6 for PS4!
4. PS4 will cost 349€/$

5. Kamiya will take the stage and announce Bayonetta 2 for PS3

6. Assassin's Creed Rising Phoenix will be announced for PSVita. Sequel to Connor's story.
7. Final Fantasy Type-0 International will be announced for PS3 and PSVita. HD remaster.
  • PS4 releases in mid-November (before Black Friday) priced at $350/$450. Worldwide launch.
  • Shadow Fall and Second Son confirmed as launch exclusives.
  • Announcement of a new Uncharted title for PS4
  • Announcement of a new Ratchet & Clank for PS4
  • PS3 price drop to $250
  • An update on The Last Guardian (I can hope)
  • Syphon Filter for PS4
  • A look at the new PSN and PlayStation Store
  • A look at the console for the first time (obviously).
  • Footage of Watch Dogs
  • Something dull about EA Sports
  • News that they have overtaken the Xbox 360 in shipments
  • PS4 Move/Eye gameplay

1st hour -

PS3 first of all. Lots of talk about how its now 2nd place Worldwide and been 1st place for the last what, 2-3 Years? "Leading the industry". Last of Us shows how PlayStation developers push the boundaries, and we get a new launch trailer for the hypes.

Followed by trailers for remaining PS3 exclusives - Beyond, Gran Turismo 6 and a surprise trailer for The Last Guardian, with a release date set for Spring 2014.) - Maybe add a 3rd party showing off a game here.

PS3 pricecut, with the 12GB console releasing in America as a 20GB console instead. $139, with the 250GB dropping to $199.

Then they move on to Vita - Pricecut, CoD, Assassin's Creed, FIFA, Madden, Etc. Killzone, Tearaway... I dont care much for Vita.

2nd hour -

PS4 time baby. Kaz on stage, reveals the console, world goes crazy. GIFs galore. Plays used games, no internet connection required, no PS Eye required.

Killzone, Drive Club and inFamous trailers, all "launch window" titles. inFamous gets the longest of the 3 with a gameplay demo.

Ready at Dawn new IP trailer.

Square Enix on stage, Versus is shown as Final Fantasy XV, releasing on PS4 Holiday 2014 Worldwide. Please be excited.

Naughty Dog on stage, talking about how happy they are with the reviews for The Last of Us. Uncharted 4 teaser trailer. Media Molecule on stage, talking about Move. Audience yawns.

Santa Monica on stage, new IP time! RPG.

Tretton back on stage, sly grin. "One more surprise for you guys!".

Rockstar games on stage, GTA4 releasing on PS4 this Year. Exclusive next gen port. "Oh, and before we go. We would like to remind you of a game we announced Years ago called Agent... Enjoy.

Trailer. Holiday 2014 release date. Looks phenomenal. World goes crazy again. Fun times.

Destiny gameplay

Final Fantasy Vs. 13 shown/rebrand

Xeilyn - The PS4 will have two versions. Basic that will launch at 400$(PS4, one controller, 500gb hdd, camera) and a deluxe model that will launch at 500$(PS4, one controller, 1tb Hdd, camera and 1 year Ps+)
- The next FF will be exclusive to PS4
- The Last guardian is still a PS3 game
- Soul Reaver is back!
- The next Skies of Arcadia will be revealed ooooooooooooor Shenmue 3(Will prolly never happen but a man can dream)
- The PS4 will basically have the same type of DRM as the Xbone
- The next Gears of war is coming to PS4 aswell
- Playing online will no longer be free
- They will focus too much on PS3(This is a bit hard since we dont really have a benchmark of how much "too much" is but meh)
- SSM's new game is a FPS
- The Vita will get a bunch of shitty ports
- They will show a bunch of casual games for the camera and it will be VERY embarrassing

   The Last Guardian will make SOME SORT of appearance

   Sony will adgknoweledge the old 599 USD meme when discussing the PS4 Price

   Several Vita games will be shown

   At least one 3rd party exclusive that will cause major meltdowns will be announced. 

   Andrew House will have a bigger role than just announcing one game (That nobody cares about)

   GT6 will be on PS3/PS4

   Sony will detail their backward compatibility plans with Gaiki (or however you spell it)

   A new FPS IP will be announced

   A 3rd party dev that nobody expected will come onstage


Will you become the next

or will you achieve fame?