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Wyrdness said:
JEMC said:
DieAppleDie said:
So that puts WiiU in a better position for multiplats ri?ght

I'm affraid that not really.

Even if the Xbox One end up with "only" 900 GFlops, that's still at least twice what the WiiU has, and then there's the matter of the RAM. WiiU only has 1 GB for games while the others have a lot more.

This news about the Xbone only mean (if true) that the multiplats between Xbone, PS4 and PC will be like low, med and high detail. WiiU would be super low.

(But it's only my opinion)

Twice is not that much of a problem as games are scaled not too mention the numbers for U are still up in the air as the GPU is an unknown propriety so it may have functions built in that don't show up in numbers people should get out of the habit of declaring the U's power as fact, the main issue is ram but that's mainly a case of textures, draw distance and such in games these are things that can be scaled.

But how much can a game be scaled down without being a disaster? Dead Rising was scaled down on Wii, and it was nothing like the original game.

It's true that WiiU's power is still unknown, and it could be more powerful than we think. But the lower than expected power of the Xbox i still a rumor, which if it's not true will leave things like they were before.

Some have said to wait until this Christmas to make judgements given that there will be a few games that will be launched for current and next-gen consoles. Using those games like Assassin's Creed, Watchdogs or CoD we will have something to compare (although I think they will use their old engines for the current gen and WiiU games and their newer, better engines for the other consoles).

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.