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i understand everyone's concern but in reality video game voice acting has come a long way over the last 10 years.

i remember in the mid 90s i was all out against voice acting. the voice acting you did find in those days was almost always terrible.

but nowadays many game designers are much more careful about who they hire to act in their games. On top of that, voice acting directors seem to have a better idea of what they're dealing with as well.

Games like splinter cell, jak and daxter, and god of war have great voice acting that really pushes the game forward. Same goes for metal gear solid.

I'm not saying text has to go away. Like with an rpg, i don't expect everyone in the town to talk, just the key players during key story related moments. I know that there are still games with bad voice acting but i have faith that nintendo could do it right. after all, look at metroid.

ps. some voice acting rocks. like house of the dead 2. even though it's done by people who have no clear understanding of the english language, it still rocks in that house of the dead sort of way.