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Mummelmann said:
Did I imply that it made me proud to have a slutty sister? You guys are very fucked up if you thought so... Get help yourselves.
Sex is absolutely not for people that young, they have no brains yet at that age. But its getting worse by the year all over the globe.
My home county has the lowest alcohol and sex debut age in the entire nation at 12.9 years for both, and those numbers make me wanna retch!

My point is/was; this is not a unique situation, girls all over the world are loosing moral scrouples and emotional wit, and teen pregnancy is at an alltime high everywhere.

I agree.  We continually allow sex to be shoved in the faces of younger and younger children, and then we wonder why things like that in the OP happen.  Young teens are (generally) not responsible enough to practice safe sex, yet popular culture is constantly telling them that sex is perfectly okay.

There's a reason we have age limits on things like driving, alcohol, and gun ownership (at least here in the US, I'm not sure what things are like in Norway).  Young teens simply aren't responible enough to handle certain things.