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The 360 offers a great online service for a good price. You get in game messaging, invites, etc. All you need to play online. As for the PS3 online, you get a good online service for free. While it doesn’t have the in game messaging and other stuff the 360 has, yet, it still offers an acceptable service and play online free with dedicated servers. Almost no lags at all. Now as for the Wii, Nintendo seems to be tralling behind =( First of all, some 3rd party games will offer a fee to play online. Its okay for them to charge fees for the 360 and even PS3, but Wii? Hell no! The wii online sucks. The Wii friends code is a joke. Why can’t I create my very own name? Also, to chat, you have to select pre existing lines. ROFLMAO! Another thing that bothers me is the lack of headset chat. Why can’t Nintendo let us chat during games? Stuff like this makes the Wii online a joke. Now don’t get me started with downloaded stuff. Now with the 360 and PS3, you get demos from upcoming games, but what about wii? You don’t get Wii demos. Instead, you get DS demos. Now why in the hell would I want DS demos? If a person owns only a Wii, why would he need DS demos? I own a Wii but not a DS. I want Wii demos to try out. Also, why aren’t VC titles upscaled? With the PS3 and possibly 360, when you download retro games like PSone games and etc, the games are remastered in true 1080p definition. Now for the VC titles, all they get is bugs, jaggies and no online play. Wii fails in this department. What games are there to play online for Wii? PBR? Please. I’ll have fun playing Warhawk, Call of Duty 4, and more. Also you can download HD movies with the 360.


Now I don’t now that much about Hardware specs, but I can tell you that the Wii is just a Gamecube 1.5. Google it. The graphics are weak for this generation. I can name 10 last gen games that look better than the majority of Wii games. Now the 360 and PS3 are way more powerful than their predecessors. Now before you say RROD or something like that, you have to admit that hardware for both are impressive, as well as the graphics. Gran Turismo 5 looks better than real life. The Wii can’t even play the simplest of movie formats, DVD. I would rather have things compact. I would have a dvd player and a gaming system into one product. Now with wii, I have to have it connected to the TV and then have a DVd player connected as well. All that hassle with cables behind the TV, it’ll confuse you and make you have a hard time. With PS3 or 360, all you have to connect is the console. No more hassles.


Now most importantly, the games. It is a well known fact that the Wii has the fewest good rated games this generation. Go look at metacritic. PS3 has 64 titles rated 75% or higher, with 20 of them being exclusives. 360 has 144 rated 75% or higher, but that’s been out for over two years. Now wii has a disappointing number of 25 games with 75% or higher, with only 16 exclusives. Now before you wii fanboys say, “but reviewers are biased, its 3rd partys fault, etc.” 13 out of the 25 are 3rd party games. The others are a mixture of 2nd and 1st party games. Reviewers aren’t biased, they know how to review games. Do you honestly believe many of the Wii games are AAAs? Do you honestly believe they are worth the $50? A very few yes, but the majority, no. Many wii fanboys hate reviewers because Wii games are rated low, but when reviewers started giving Galaxy perfect scores, you all loved reviewers. Hypocrite much fanboys? The fact of the matter is, Nintendo is trailing behind and I’m disappointed with them, being a Nintendo fan since their first home console.