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#3 most anticipated=GoW Norse Mythology reboot. I love the series and I loved Ascension, but anything more with Kratos is really going to be stretching it. Keep the awesome combat, epic boss battles, and brutal finishers, but give me a new character that gets screwed over by the Norse gods and maybe has a wider range of emotions (thinking of battling Thor on PS4 in GoW style makes me drool).

#2=New Naughty Dog IP. Sorry to the Uncharted fans but I still believe ND will surprise us with a new IP like they do every new gen. Uncharted is awesome but let's not ware it out. Maybe this'll come later after Uncharted 4 but damn I love every ND IP and a return to J&D in the first one's style would be awesome too. Basically whatever ND makes.

#1=A true R&C, made by Insomniac's main team, developed with no motion gaming or party stuff in mind. Just give me ACiT2 basically. Conclude the Lombax storyline and bring back the awesome weapons and gameplay. GC, UYA, and ACiT are 3 of my top 10 games of all time with ACiT being my favorite ever (well maybe it's UYA...GAH they're both awesome!) and I want to love this series again. Release an awesome game in 2014 or 2015 before the movie and my faith will be restored in you Insomniac because those last 3 games...yeah.

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