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This goes between 360/PS3/Wii (And PC games since Christmas 2005).

My choice: The Orange Box - X360/PS3/PC.

Why? The game combines arguably the best PC FPS game to date with a futuristic and really original puzzle-game, a sweet, cartoony-looking multiplayer game, and two additional episodes with extra content for only 60$ (I bought it for 35$).

Half Life 2 is a game that you Really want to keep playing. The game combines really good physics (All hail the dev-team that developed the Havok engine) with sweet shoot-outs and puzzle-elements that require inventing guns such as the gravity-gun (And in Portal the portal-gun). When you've finally finished HL2 (Which already looks sweet on the PS3/X360) you get to play Episode 1. The game isn't on-par with HL2 but the plot and the interaction with Alyx is a great addition to the storyline. Additionaly, the graphics are better. Episode 2 is better than HL2 i think. Although i own the PS3-version (Which supposedly suffers lag in EP2) but i haven't noticed any framerate-issues or lag. Episode 2 is even longer than episode 1 and takes you out of City 17. With great shoot-outs and a sweet story. Graphics are again better than HL2 and even better than HL2Ep1.

Now i'm looking forward to Episode 3 and i really, really hope that comes out on the consoles too!