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I want something bold and almost trippy. Break all the rules, but keep that familiar Mario gameplay and feel. I want a 3D Super Mario Bros 2 or something like Super Mario Land. But it has to be aesthetically interesting. Nothing like NSMB.

And I may be the only one, but I liked the story elements in the first galaxy. I liked going back to Rosalina to read new chapters. Expand on that please. Maybe Luigi is under some spell or something and is the villain, being controlled by Wario and Waluigi. Meanwhile Bowser has Peach. I dunno, just something that gets everyone in the Mario universe together other than to go karting or play Golf.

Maybe a visual upgrade to Mario's character. We should see the denim on his overalls. Everyone should be retextured and maybe even remolded a little. He has looked the same since the Gamecube.

And finally, innovation is key. I loved Galaxy's control scheme, so if the Gamepad takes center stage (which I think it has to) then it has to be used in interesting ways. The two screens, the touch, motion, etc plus MiiVerse integration.