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What I dont understand is if this is a real problem just treat it the same way you do pc games. I only watched a few minutes if that video so im not sure they discuss pc games, but why or how is it fair that if I buy RE 5 on the 360 I can sell it but not on pc? Its the same concept as the lamp he mentioned. Why can I not resell my old copy of windows 7 if I uograded to 8? Im not saying to to away with used games since I trade in games all the time, but im kind of tired of sony and microsoft people complaining about this used game issue when I've been getting shafted for years buying pc games.

Honestly just add a code to each game that needs to be entered before first time play and be done. No 24 crap
Or better yet lower the price of games to a more rreasonable price of 40-50 $. Then people may keep those games instead of getting the 25 $ credit.
Meh my rant.