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They said they would be showing off smash bros and 3D mario this E3 so I think that will help a lot.

The biggest thing for them though is gonna be 2 things:

1) price cut, it will probably come either at E3 or approaching christmas. People are hesitant on buying the console because they feel that a price cut is imminent and don't wanna be pissed off that they didn't wait.

2) Sony and Microsoft's consoles have to have their images deflated. Microsoft has already started with all of its DRM crap. In response, amazon already reported that Wii U sales went up 800% as of the console debut. However people still hold out hope and still think that either of the two consoles could beat the pants off of the Wii U. Once E3 is over Wii U sales will almost certainly go up provided that neither of the two have a truly amazing E3.