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I remember not long ago COD was going to save the Vita, but now its just more garbage. Sony fans are always a funny lot. Their opinion changes greatly simply based on company name.
Sony targets PS3 to nongamers= brilliant more PS3s in homes
MS pushes nongaming features in xbox1= turning their back on gamers
Any dev uses same engine as last gen= Lazy
Any console uses a last gen engine = Not next gen
ND uses same engine= Brilliant
Ps4 uses last gen engines= 3 generations ahead of PC.
Touchpad on Wii U= useless
Mini touchpad on PS4 controller= innovation
Touchscreens = add nothing to gaming
Vita has a touchpad= Innovation
After claiming touchpads were pointless and would never take the place of buttons, til Vita needs its touchpad to take the place of buttons and its again innovative and not the issue it was 6 months earlier when it was a different company