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Lust doesn't last very long, it's usually refereed to as the honey moon period in a new relationship, it usually lasts for for 3-6 months on average. Genuine love last far far longer.

So if your not sure if what you feel is love or lust, simply give it time, see how things go after a year, see how you both react and feel after having your first fight, and yes a fight will break out cuz we're human and prone to disputes, it's natural, it's healthy and usually a good indicator if love is present.
If love is not present from either party then the relationship will simply fail after a little spat, but genuine love overcome these spats and makes the bond stronger.

Also, I'd suggest that if your looking for love, that you be careful and not center your relationship purely on sex, rather have sex as an expression of love, cuz a relationship based purely on sex will ultimately fail once the sex fails....and it will fail, it's not a matter on 'if' but a matter of 'when'. A relationship built on love will continue despite little to no sex, and spats....this type of genuine love is whats missing in parents these days which is why there are so many kids growing up in broken homes...a little food for thought.