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Angelus said:

With all next gen consoles finally revealed, and E3 close on the horizon, the console wars are once again in full effect. Lines have been drawn, sides have been chosen, and blood is once again being spilled. Instead of rejoicing, and sharing our passion for new technology and experiences with each other, we choose to spread pain and suffering amongst one another. All in the name of blind fanboy allegiances. Foolish to think we could be decent men, in an indecent time.

You attack each other with false allegations, masked as truths, and you do it under the guise of being impartial. Furthermore worrying, is the severe imbalance of power as it stands divided between the warring parties. VGChartz has become a cruel environment, and the only morality in a cruel environment is chance: unbiased, unprejudiced, fair.

We're going to create new terms for this battleground. You will all flip a coin. Heads, you're on the PlayStation team. Tails, you're on the Xbox team. If, for some reason, the coin doesn't land properly on either side, you're in the Nintendo camp. Once your new, fair allegiance has been determined, you will post it here, and you will fight for that side until E3 is upon us. That, is the justice you deserve. Let the games begin.

Well now, there is no need for such brutish language. We must not get so angry that we come up with fanciful ideas such as flipping a coin to determine what is right, or worse yet, lose our manners. This is quite frankly the most outragous nonse I have ever seen, and we will have no more of it.

I can only suspect that this coin flipping tomfoolery is the very thing you talked about earlier as you're excellent idea. It is not going to work, and what is more I will not *allow* it to work.