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HD download may eventually be a common method of distribuition but it will be 10 years time before that happens !.
In the meantime DVD will give way to Blu-ray which will be the dominant format in under 5 years time.
Many HD movies are around 40Gbyes in size and with HD storage costs downlaod times etc will mean its years before it's economic to be downlaoding/storing such large files.
In 10 years Blu-ray will continue to be a significant medium for distribuition and storage for those who prefer it - it is not going to go away in a hurry.
Blu-ray has years of rapid growth ahead of it and is indeed a significant win for almost everyone. People want 1080p displays and content these days.

Blu-ray drive will also become an important format for large software distribuition and data storage- i would expect to see Linux distribuitions on blu-ray and application/games software able to run direct from the disk rather than requiring installation and long decompression stages. You can do far more with 50Gb.

PS3 number 1 fan