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VGKing said:

Just because you have an opinion on something, doesnt mean you have to put that opinion on the forum.

You get "personal attacks" because your opinion is usually anti-Microsoft or anti-Xbox no matter what. People wise up to things when they see it over and over again. Its even more obvious when you have been caught out and frequent users of the Microsoft forum were there to witness it.

You arent made welcome or treated in a civil manor in the Microsoft forums, because of your general behaviour in the Microsoft forums.

You make it sound like I spam some kind of anti-MS hate over and over again. I don't. I'm always on topic and I always explain myself. Don't be so sensitive. People like you are part of the problem. You shouldn't attack the user no matter what. That is against the rules of this site. I can't tell you how many times people who get proven wrong resort to bashing in order to avoid admittting it.

I have the RIGHT to post my opinions on this site. If my comments violated the rules of this site then report them. I'm sure many people have done so already. But I follow the rules. I usually stay on topic and I never attack other users because of their posting history on this site or personal preference. If I were to compare this website to something, I would compare it to America post-segregation. So don't be a "racist", if you get what i mean. Don't hold personal grudges against strangers on the internet. You may think you know them but you really really don't.

You do and it is very obvious.  You do this a long with other users which is the reason this site is so unbearable for many people.  Don't tell people not to be sensitive.  They aren't dumb so stop acting like they are.