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The OP can't honestly be that serious. Most of the kickstarter funds you heard about are for games that JUST recently got funded and could in no WAY be finished yet. THAT'S why they "haven't seen the light of day".

It isn't just video games. It's indie films, music (the band Ra just funded their upcoming album with it), comic books, art projects, games, etc. etc. And it's a nice alternative to trying to find corporate or private backing, where you are more often than not beholding to the whims of whoever gave you money. In this case, the artist/creator gets all the money AND all the control, because he got the money from fans who WANT him to have full control.

I think it's a great thing, and a lot of games and other projects wouldn't be happening without it. IndieGoGo is another similar site, and the Angry Video Game Nerd Movie, which is mostly done filming at this point and is now in editing and post production, would not have happened at all, perhaps, without fan funding.