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Avinash_Tyagi said:
ils411 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Umm, NES/Famicom had a 20 year product cycle, nothing to show that Wii won't have a very long product cycle as well

 nothing to show that it will have a long product cycle either. if anything, a very fast addaption rate could lead to a shorter life cycle. we really cant say this early in its life cycle. probably in another year or two. but for now, might as well enjoy it for those who have it. i personally am saving for a ps3. nothing personal on the wii or the 360. i just love my tekken and ff. if tekken and ff would jump ship to any of the two consoles, id have no qualms in following whre these franchises go.


 Not that silly fad claim again, its following a similar trend as the DS just with higher sales

and where did i claim that the wii is a fad?  i said "could" have a shorter life cycle. i didn say it "will" have a short life cycle.  honestly, learn how to read and grasp content before shooting out crap.