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spurgeonryan said:
oniyide said:

THey could barely get it to work in those old 3d SOnic games, the camera only was a pain, you expect to get it right in an open world setting? I envy your optisim. BUt im not seeing it. I would buy that day1 with whatever system its for(minus Xbone), if it worked.

But when was the last time we have seen a big game that has camera problems anymore? Didn't that era of bad development end with the PS2 and Dreamcast? I have not noticed bad camera work in a while myself. time to give it another try.

well of course most companies know what they are doing. But im not talking about those guys im talking about Sonic Team in general. SOnic 06 was the last full 3d Sonic and that had TERRIBLE cameras, horrid. In there defense they did rush it out the door, but even Unleased had some bad cameras. YOur idea is kind of flawed TBH because you cant compare most open world to SOnic. THey move at a much slower clip so the camera issue is not that serious as their is not that much happening. YOu want Sonic to be able to run around full speed in an open world, with precise controls his kind of game demands. Not gonna happen.