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I've been living on a military base outside Tokyo for a couple years now, so I thought I'd add my two cents.

In my travels through Rappongi, Shinjuku, Yokohama, and other places in the immediate area, I've come to the conclusion that it's easy for foreign men to hook up with Japanese women. The better the knowledge of the language and culture the higher quality woman you can get.

I've seen plenty of the styreotypical Western male nerd with some hot Japanese women on and off base. I have sometimes wondered if Japanese women have any standards at all. As long as you have no fear of talking to women, landing a Japanese chick shouldn't be hard. I don't need to know the language to get laid. Most of the ones I've met spoke English.

As for it being easier for black men here. I would say yes. As for the serious relationship problem that Zim mentioned, I wouldn't know much about. It may be far more easier for most black men in the military here to have a serious relationship than the Jamaicans or Africans that live here. There are plenty of black/Japanese married couples here.

As for the Aussie vs. American thing, well, take a trip up here and find out for yourself.

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