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DevilRising said:
radiantshadow92 said:

I hope it happens so that once again everyone will know that games sell consoles. Either way though no one will care...

It's funny you should say that, because Wii had some of the best games of the gen on any console.

Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, No More Heroes 1 & 2, Red Steel 2, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, RE4 Wii Edition, Monster Hunter 3, NSMBWii, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Smash Bros. Brawl, Okami remake, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Mario Kart Wii, Excite Truck, Little King's Story, Punch Out, the best version of Ghostbusters, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy, Wario Land, Goldeneye remake, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby Epic Yarn & Return to Dreamland, Boom Blox, de Blob, Batallion Wars II, Zack & Wiki, Super Paper Mario, A Boy and His Blob remake, the Lost Winds games, the Cave Story remake, the La-Mulana remake, the Blaster Master remake, Konami's "ReBirth" series, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, Xenoblade, The Last Story, Sin & Punishment 2, Pandora's Tower, etc.

And that's not even listing honorable mentions like Mushroom Men, FFCC: The Crystal Bearers, Arc Rise Fantasia, Fragile, Cursed  Mountain, the Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed I, Geometry Wars Galaxies, The Munchables, Opoona, Tales of Symphonia 2, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, the RE "Chronicles" games,  the Endless Ocean games, etc. etc. etc.

And if all that weren't enough, quite frankly, Wii Sports, for all the crap it got from "the hardcore", at the end of the day was a pretty fun game itself.


So I'd certainly say that Wii had it's share of games, GOOD games, that helped sell the system just fine.

did u really have to make a list of games long ago was the last major wii release? thats what i thought...unlike the wii, the ps360 are still getting games....