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sc94597 said:
truthiness said:
Even if they finally figure out how to make memory work in a quantum computer (they haven't) and how to get anywhere above maybe 3 or 4 cycles (they haven't), or figure out how to program a system with qbits (they haven't), it won't be in consumer computers, let alone gaming for a long time after.

Next up: AI has next to nothing to do with the hardware. AI relies upon the programming, which just isn't there yet. Thinking that Quantum computing is somehow going to make it work, just because it is different makes no sense. You don't need to program every aspect of an AI routine, but the point is the learning routines suck, and haven't made much real progress in a while.

As an aside - quantum computers are no better than a regular digital computer in general, in fact they would suck at a lot of things. They are great in cryptography and certain other puzzles, but slapping on 'realistic graphics' or 'lifelike physics' just because of the way something processes data is pointless. Its like saying 'Neural networks can produce lifelike simulations - whenever we have brains in our zombiebox we can finally be really in the game'

Just because you saw a youtube clip on quantum computing does not mean you have any idea what you are talking about. Seriously.

That wasn't just the youtube video where I got my knowlege in quantum computing. I study quantum mechanics all of the time which is the basis of quantum computing and I read alot about it. Do you think I said oh tommorow we are all going to have quantum computers. I said in about 20 years. All of those things could be solved in 20 years. Do you think that people who lived 20 years before the first atomic bomb thought oh that is totally possible. No they thought it was impossible too. So don't use todays basis of technology as a way to say its impossible because every year we discover something new. Oh and I actually know alot more about quantum computers than the average teen would. Because I'm only a teenager. I plan on having a career as an astophysist which use both general realitivety and quantum mechanics.

The youtube video was for people who wanted to get a basic idea of what quantum computing is.

 I'm using the fact that we know functionally very little to say that they won't be in consumer level devices in twenty years. And yes, history is a good sign that absurdly large problems don't solve themselves in a matter of time. Referring to the atomic bomb is a pointless analogy. Are you trying to claim that within 20 years of their work they had consumer level atomic bombs? Or are you trying to claim that we will not only gain that knowledge, but implement it into a consumer level device immediately, with every software house immediately switching to that...architecture? Medium? 

As for your knowledge of quantum mechanics - errr good for you? I mean it's good that you read, and you should continue, but that doesn't change the fact that your knowledge of quantum computing is lacking. I mean it is one thing to not look puzzled with superposition (though you should), but its another thing entirely to pull 20 years out of your rear. Had you looked at the issue at hand its not just a matter of one or two small things, its a matter of mastering basic problems that took over 100 years, that is one hundred years, to be solved in regular computing. Without Boulean alegebra or the babbage machine in the 19th century, computers would still be in their infancy. Without Grace Murray Hopper, computers would just be little boxes that lit up. All of these steps happened over a long period of time, and were in a field that no one had invested in. And that's the cold hard reality of it, computers are a developed industry that aren't going to fundamentally change everything in twenty years.  Look back at Consumer level computers - theres a thirty year gap between ENIAC and the 4004. That was the birth of a market. The current market is established, and it's either going to be extremely cautious to adopt, or its going to take a new market, for anything to come of it.

Don't discount reality when you make wild assumptions. History has a way of repeating itself and running over those who seem to ignore it with hand waving.