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I purchase games I know (ie. am reasonably confident) I am going to enjoy new, however I do utilize renting, borrowing, etc. to try out games I think I might like but am not ready to purchase.

I understand your sentiment, and it is a good thing for you that the possible restrictions on used games won't affect you as much - however it is a larger deal to other people who might not have as much disposable income (or desire to despose of as much income) as you and also some people take offense to it ethically - attempting to invalidate them by saying "And the complaint about games being to expensive is nonsense if gaming is to expensive of a hobby for u then u should not be in it! " is dismissive and not constructive.

For the industry to be healthy, and to maintain that health, it is imperative that new people are able to easily (ie. cheaply) enter the market. Lower cost systems and games (whether they be older, used, lower budget, etc.) allow for this low cost of entry which in turn will spark some of those people to move up the ladder and eventually become a more 'core' gamer such as yourself maybe, one who buys every system, buys games new, buys special editions, etc.

However if those entryways are restricted or worse cut-off, then the industry (as it has already shifted in some ways) will become populated by only the elitist who through natural attrition will become fewer and fewer and all the while more 'hardcore' the industry will stagnate and shrink and could eventually die if left on that track (a near impossibility of course).

Again it sounds like you are a reasonably financially stable individual whos gaming tastes lean towards playing games you know you will probably enjoy and purchasing them to keep as collectibles - that means possible used game restrictions will not affect you directly very much, however they are potentially very bad for the industry which would affect you if you plan on continuing to grow that game collection in the not so distant future.

Systems Currently Playing: WiiU, PS3, 3DS

Also Have: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, N64, PS2, Wii, GB, GBC, GBA, DSLite, DSi, Android (RazorMax), iPhone (4), iPad (2)