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L.C.E.C. said:
Auron said:
gapboi954 said:
Obama is full of crap. All he does is give promises but cant outline how he is going to achieve those promises.

Don't be a hater, if Barrack says there will be CHANGE then there will be CHANGE.

@ gapboi954: I agree Campaign promises are a load, esp. when they don't explain their plan, like Kerry.


@Auron: Don't feed into mindless propaganda. If I say that the Wii will get DMC4, just because I say it, doesn't mean it's gonna come true. Actions speak louder than words. Name ONE reason I should believe his words above any other canidate? because he yells what he says instead of talking in a normal voice? Because he says "CHANGE" over and over again in a repetitive form? Speeches are honored when you are the president, not running for it.

 Doubters will be proven wrong just wait and see.  CHANGE will ahppen, you just have to believe.  I don't know why people just don't trust that CHANGE will come.