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Many people on the internet will make a big deal out of it but with the advent of a new generation it is mostly irrelevant.

All three major consoles did actually really well this last generation, they could very easily all end up around the same number of sales. Nintendo resurged after a bleak Gamecube performance had them looking at exiting the home console market. Microsoft was also able to surge, building on the modest successes of the XBox they were able to (at least) tripple its sales and becomes a driving force in the market where formally they were a much smaller force. And Sony, despite a rocky start, was able to leverage the PlayStation brand to win the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD battle and create a platform, that while (probably) not as successful as their last consoles is still very successful in its own right and will continue for several more years.

I am afraid if MS/Sony concentrate too much on continued support of their 360/PS3, that along with other factors this could see a much slower transition to the next gen than they are hoping for.

Systems Currently Playing: WiiU, PS3, 3DS

Also Have: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, N64, PS2, Wii, GB, GBC, GBA, DSLite, DSi, Android (RazorMax), iPhone (4), iPad (2)