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goddog said:
the2real4mafol said:

ok i will come and have a look and see what is around. my minecraft name is the2real4mafol so i might catch you on there 

EDIT~ i just tried to connect to both and i can't connect to either server

yep i broke the router to the server tonight was making a change remotly .... ill add you to builder when i get home in the morning, and bring the router back up should be up some time around 9am i get home 8am


edit back up and you are added, seems the router just did not pull a wan address from the dhcp server

let me know if you have issues should be able to fly (requires some mod on your side i dont use it myself but tone does)/ build. ill be out of it till 5ish - but after that ill get to any changes to your account as soon as i can 

What's the ip for waterworld? i saw a ip address for waterworld on planet minecraft but wasn't sure if it was the right address

~ the ip was

but i just looked on the nibiru server and there is some amazing stuff on there, builds i persumed impossible in minecraft, especially the stuff that was done with the water. just incredible. I couldn't fly though but would like to

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